Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Shrine Down the Hall

People see my desk in black and white. The reason that it’s in black and white is because i believe that all people, should have privacy. It’s also softened a bit so a lot of things are harder to see. People can see different things on my desk that represents myself like an iPod which represents music.
It has repetition which is the blinds. The thing that is being contrasted is the stack of things to the window. I think the iPod is being emphasized. There is asymmetrical balance. The elements of design work together to create unity.
I think this means that different things in different people’s room have a different message and symbol to how they are. I think that it may say that i value different things. Like music, represented by the iPod, also organization, represented by the organized desk.
I think the shrine down the hall is successful. The elements of design do work together to create unity. It is created neatly and looks good.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Ad Re-Design

There is a toothbrush with the message reversed. The original message is that the toothbrush is supposed to be fun while brushing your teeth because it plays music. The new message it that it wastes energy and you need to spend more money. People see a toothbrush with cool red lines coming out of it.
The letters has repetition. The white letters are being contrasted to the dark background. The toothbrush is being emphasized. The photo has asymmetrical balance. All the elements of design work together to create unity.
The message of the new ad says that electronic singing toothbrushes are a waste of money and energy. I thought of this because the original message says that singing toothbrushes are really fun and can make brushing your teeth fun. But I think its just a waste of time.
I think the ad re-design is successful. The elements of design do work together to create unity. It is created neatly and looks good.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Dreams/Memory Photography

    There is a city with a giant bear attacking a building. The city is really nice and isn’t foggy. There are also other buildings behind the attacked one. And a ocean on the side.
    The buildings represent repetition. The building to the sky is being contrasted. The teddy bear is being emphasized. The photograph has asymmetrical balance. All the elements of design work together to create unity.
    The photograph may say that I dream about teddy bears attacking cities. This dream is unrealistic because a giant teddy bear can move unless it was electronic.
    I think the photograph is successful. The elements of design work together to create unity. I think it’s created neatly. i think it looks good.


    There is a huge hello kitty. There is also a panda in a corner.In the hello kitty bow, there is my eye. There is also a shoe on the side. The hello kitty, panda, and shoes are my personal items. The words are Hello Kitty.
    The pattern in the self portrait is the back, where there are repeating words. The thing that is being contrasted the the hello kitty face to the background. The hello kitty face is being emphasized. It has asymmetrical balance. The elements of design work together to create unity.
    I’m not sure what it means. It may say that I value shoes, hello kitty, and pandas. It represents my cultures because pandas are from China.
    I think that it is successful. The elements of design work together to create unity. I think the collage is created neatly. It looks good.

Surrealistic Self Portrait

    There is a pineapple house (spongebob’s house) and outside of the house there is spongebob, patrick and a girl which is me. People see spongebob, patrick, a girl, and jellyfish outside spongebob’s pineapple house.
    The pattern is the color of the pineapple house. The thing that is being contrasted is the color of the pineapple to the water. The thing that is being emphasize the the characters. There is symmetrical balance. The elements of design work together to create unity.
    I think the self portrait means that you are never too old to watch spongebob. It symbolizes that I like to watch t.v. and spongebob.
    I think the self portrait is successful. The elements of design do work together to create unity. It is created neatly and looks good.

Warhol Self Portrait

    There are 9 images all in different colors. The colors are complementary colors so they compliment each other. People see a person’s face with different colors.
    The self portrait has a repeating pattern by the image of the face. The thing that is being contrasted is the color of the face to the hair then to the background. The thing that is being emphasized is the bright colors. The self portrait is asymmetrical. All the elements of design create unity.
    When the color changes pictures, it might say something else from the original picture. I don’t think that it says anything about me. I’m not sure how the colors represents my culture. I don't know what the colors symbolize.
    I think the self portrait is successful. I think the elements of design work together to create unity. I think the self portrait is created neatly. I think it looks good.

Digital Calendar

    In the background, there is a picture of a sunset. Then there is the year in the upper left hand corner. Then, the months are scattered around the paper.
    The pattern is the font of the months and the numbers. The thing that is being contrasted it the sky to the sunset to the ground.The thing that is being emphasized is the year. The digital calendar has asymmetrical balance. The elements of design work together to create unity.
    I think that the calendar can represent that everyone is beautiful in their own way (sunset). Also that you can change overtime. I’m not sure if the calendar says anything about me.
    I think that the calendar is successful. The elements of design work together to create unity. I think it is created neatly. I think it looks good because the background is unique.

Visions of Music

    The background is a blue and white gradients. There is a girl listening to music and some music notes near her. Then there is the title of the song in black on the bottom and the year/album title on the left of the girl.. Lastly, there is the artist on the bottom right.
    The Visual representation has repetition in the album title. Which is the repeating red, white, and blue pattern. The thing that is being emphasized is the girl. It has asymmetrical balance. The thing that is being contrasted is the title of the song to the background. The elements of design work together to create unity.
    The visual representation is giving the message that everyone listens to music. It also says that people listen to music so much that they don’t want is to stop and that they can’t live without it.
    I feel that it is successful. The elements of design work together to create unity. I think it looks good.


    There are 2 letters. which is the initials of my name (first and last). There are 4 images of the initials, 2 with black backgrounds and 2 with white backgrounds. In the S, there is a pear and a strawberry. And in the G, there is a watermelon slice and 2 blackberries. The theme is fruits.
    The pattern is the repeating letters. The thing that is being contrasted is the letters to the background. The thing that is being emphasized is the bold letters. The logo has symmetrical balance. The elements of design work together to create unity.
    The logo might mean that i like to eat fruits. The message is that fruits is good for your health and the body.
    I think the piece is successful. The elements of design work together to create unity. It looks good.

The Principles of Design : Unity

     There is a mint-green background with five overlapping circles, all different colors. The circles are outlined in black which makes it stand out more. The colors of the circles are lavender, light pink, peach, dark pink, and turquoise.
    The repetition is the repeating circles. The think that is being constrasted is the background color to the black. The dark pink circle is being emphasized because its not overlapped. It has symmetrical balance. The elements of design all work well together to create unity.
    I’m not sure if it has a meaning. The example had influenced me and gave me an idea to create this.
    I think that the piece is successful. The elements of design work together to create unity. I think that it looks good.

The Principles of Design : Contrast

     The background is black and there is a white man. The man is happy. His arms, legs and body are made of 2 L’s each. His shirt has a pocket which is made from a U and a underscore ( __ ). The O’s represent his hands.
    The repetition is the repeating use of the letter L. The man’s body is being contrasted to the background. The thing that is being emphasized is the tongue. It has symmetrical balance. All the elements of design work together to create unity.
    I think that the man is trying to give a message that you should live your life happy. The letter P and the symbol ^ contributed to the meaning because it creates a smiley face. I’m not sure if the surroundings contributed to the picture.
    I feel that the picture is successful. All the elements of design work together to create unity. I think it looks good.

The Principles of Design : Emphasis

    There is a bowl of goldfish crackers blurred out and dull. Right in the middle, there is a bright goldfish that is meant to be emphasized.
    There’s repetition by the repeating goldfishes. The think that is the contrasted the is the bright goldfish to the duller goldfishes. The brightest goldfish is being emphasized. It has asymmetrical balance.All the elements of design work together to create unity.
It shows that a bowl of goldfish crackers can enlighten your day. Nothing really contributed to the idea
I think that it is successful. The elements of design do work together to create unity. I think it looks good.

The Principles of Design : Symmetry

    The newspaper collage has ‘Apple’s’ in the middle. Then, there are different phrases sticking out from the middle representing Steve Jobs death. From this, you can see people’s reaction to the death of Steve Jobs.
    The repetition in the collage is the repeating letters. The thing that is being contrasted is the letters to the white background. The word ‘Apple’s’ is being emphasized. It has symmetrical balance. All the elements of design work together to create unity.
    I think that this shows that the death of Steve Jobs is disappointing and sad because he was such a big icon in the electronic industry. The image of the apple logo contributed to the meaning because its the logo to Apple. There is also a photo of steve jobs along with his birth and death year.
    I feel that this piece was good. The elements of design work together to create unity.

The Principals of Design: Repetition

     The picture has many shapes and lines. Some shapes are filled in, others are not Some lines are thicker than others. There are many shapes, like squared and rounded squares/rectangle and circles. The painting is very abstract.
    The piece does have repetition because there are repeating lines and shapes. The thing that is being contrasted is the black lines to the white background.  The thing that is being emphasized is the pink round square. It has asymmetrical balance. The elements of design works together to create unity.
    I’m not sure if the piece has a meaning to it. The shapes and colors could interpret to what you could dream of. The media didn’t affect the piece in anyway.
    I think the piece looks good. The elements of design work together to create unit. I think it looks good.