Monday, May 14, 2012

Ad Re-Design

There is a toothbrush with the message reversed. The original message is that the toothbrush is supposed to be fun while brushing your teeth because it plays music. The new message it that it wastes energy and you need to spend more money. People see a toothbrush with cool red lines coming out of it.
The letters has repetition. The white letters are being contrasted to the dark background. The toothbrush is being emphasized. The photo has asymmetrical balance. All the elements of design work together to create unity.
The message of the new ad says that electronic singing toothbrushes are a waste of money and energy. I thought of this because the original message says that singing toothbrushes are really fun and can make brushing your teeth fun. But I think its just a waste of time.
I think the ad re-design is successful. The elements of design do work together to create unity. It is created neatly and looks good.

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