Thursday, May 3, 2012

Warhol Self Portrait

    There are 9 images all in different colors. The colors are complementary colors so they compliment each other. People see a person’s face with different colors.
    The self portrait has a repeating pattern by the image of the face. The thing that is being contrasted is the color of the face to the hair then to the background. The thing that is being emphasized is the bright colors. The self portrait is asymmetrical. All the elements of design create unity.
    When the color changes pictures, it might say something else from the original picture. I don’t think that it says anything about me. I’m not sure how the colors represents my culture. I don't know what the colors symbolize.
    I think the self portrait is successful. I think the elements of design work together to create unity. I think the self portrait is created neatly. I think it looks good.

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